Monday, May 31, 2010

It's like a "Bucket List"....

but I don't plan to kick that any time soon! I am excited to enter the next decade (Lord knows there have been years that my 20's haven't seemed to be all they're cracked up to be ;-)) - but I didn't want to just wake up on June 13th, 2011 and resolutely say,  "Now I'm 30." Where's the pizazz and excitement in that?

Don't get me wrong. My twenties have been chock full of life experiences. This would be where the violin music starts playing and I wax poetic about the deep, abiding life lessons I learned... except that's not what this blog is about! This blog is about finding ways to spend the next year (I'll start June 13th, 2010) learning and doing things that will enhance my life. Not just in the immediate sense - although I am aware that in the process of cramming 30 things into 12 months, there will be a couple that have a fleeting impact. What I'm looking for overall are things that will affect HOW I live my life for years to come.

Now comes the "audience involvement" portion of this blog -- What would you add to the list if it was yours? In the next two weeks I will be polling friends and family and you guys! I have ideas, but I need some help. 30 is a lot to come up with!

On June 13th I will post my list of The Big 3-0 and I hope that you'll come along with me for the ride :-)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Biking the C&O Canal has always been on my list - but that's the kind of thing that you need someone else to do it with you.

  2. I second kempken's suggestion. That's something I've always wanted to do... the entire canal from Cumberland to DC (184 miles). I'd be happy to be a partner in crime for that too. :-)

    A hot air balloon ride is on my list too.

  3. Maybe we could put together a group for this fall - maybe around Labor Day weekend? Or next Memorial Day weekend?

  4. I suggest a new thing in Rock Creek Park called GO APE:

    It looks like something fun and adventurous!

    Or other ideas include:
    - visiting a place that you have always wanted to see (or national park like Grand Cannon, Yellowstone or Glacier)
    -going sky diving
    -fishing trip
    -tubing down the Potomac (WV)
    -snowboarding or skiing in Colorado
    -new big purchase (like car, or house)

    Okay that is all of my ideas. Good luck and happy 30th!
